Mercedes Roadworthy Certificates RWC Melbourne
Mercedes Roadworthy Certificates are very important when either buying or selling your Mercedes.
We find that when people bring their new Mercedes for service after just buying it and having a Mercedes roadworthy certification on their new Mercedes, things are missed because the licenced vehicle tester who carried out the roadworthy were not a Mercedes Roadworthy specialist and didn’t know what to look for.
We carry out a Roadworthy Certification in accordance with Vic roads using Licence Vehicle Tester No. 11390 LV LP. Roadworthy Certificates and Roadworthy inspections are very important when either buying or selling a Mercedes
To find out about what a roadworthy certificate is, who issues certificates and what is inspected please click the following link;
While your Mercedes is in for a Roadworthy Certification, we have on offer, a fleet of 19 complimentary loan cars which can be organised for you if you pre-book ahead of time.
Experience the Melbourne European Difference for yourself and find out why we are Melbourne’s favourite Mercedes Service Specialists. Call Mercedes Service Melbourne (03) 9562 9386 to make a booking.